Elena Nikolou Greece |
"Interesting part and at the same time the biggest strength. The fact that it created the feeling that the problems of the immigrants are not their problems but they are problems of the whole world and everyone should contribute to solve them. There was plurality of opinions and ideas but they were all based on the same core, on the core of human rights that is our duty to protect and persevere. By protecting the immigrants and trying to facilitate their life we are actually trying to protect our life, because the immigrants are not “the others”, the immigrants are the future “you” and “me”." Final comment: I am extremely happy that I was part of that and I hope this kind of initiatives to continue, because all together we are powerful. |
Theodoti - Dolina Tziotzora Greece |
What I found of paramount importance is its initiative to indicate interesting practical activities and learning objects in order to find refugees, to help them and to protect their human rights. It is an irrefutable truth that the best way to involve refugees in the society and therefore in the life of the university is to create social responsibility among young people, university students and staff regarding the integration of refugees. Final comment: One of the most powerful and interesting aspects of the TOGETHER project is its aim to create a friendly and inclusive environment for refugees and to provide them with better access to further and higher education opportunities by suggesting practical and training activities and by combining an interdisciplinary theoretical approach with the needs and the real-life problems of the refugees. Therefore, the project develops a theoretical and practicalunderstanding about refugees and their rights and promotes solidarity with those people. Thus, the strong theoretical background that this project offers in combination with a variety of practical activities that it suggests, it achieves to facilitate the successful integration of the refugees in the society and in the university community and enables students to interact with them in a more effective and practical way. |
Lecturer Greece |
I found the Training Package more useful because it gives the theoretical background even for people who are not informed about the basics (ex. The definitions of refugees, migrants etc.). I believe that it gives the opportunity to more people understand the situation better. Testimonial: The interaction with people of other nationalities and the sharing of knowledge and ideas between them. |
Antonios Kitsios Greece |
It combines effectively theoretical instruction with practical experience. It gives a deeper understanding of how things work at EU, as an institution. It foregrounds the weaknesses of both the local and the European policy systems not just by criticizing them but also by proposing alternative and more feasible solutions. It portrays the way things work in each of the respective countries involved offering, thus, a comparative study of policy consumption and policy application something that can help the cο-members of the project improve. It voices the need for intercultural linking and cooperation by demonstrating the polyphonicity of advantages such an approach has to offer. The addition of the map elevates and facilitates the experience of the user, as he/she can visually trace in real time the potential networking opportunities that will accommodate his/her needs. |
Alexandros Kolaitis Greece |
The most intriguing aspect of the project is the correlation of different social actors (e.g. School Units, Universities and N.G.Os) under a common ground and targeting an undervalued so far aspect, that of refugees admission to higher education institutions. |
Lecturer Greece |
Empowering people and integrating them in practice |
Kartali Konstanntina Greece |
The most interesting part is the interactive sessions that are held between the students ad the staff of the university and that is also a strenght and the key for the achievement of the aim to refeugees' integration. |
Efstratia Kapsaliari Greece |
The TOGETHER project as its name suggests, offered a great opportunity for people from different countries, universities, and fields of study to come together and share knowledge and ideas for an open society where no one will be left behind and everyone will be encouraged to empower their civic role. |
Lecturer Greece |
This project is managing giving both the theoretical background and practical tips to raise awareness and develop social responsibility in order to assist the academic community to create a more inclusive environment. The designed strategies and guidelines contribute in developing intercultural skills within the academic community in order for the refugees to feel welcome and integrated in the institutions. With the Refugees Welcome Map, interested people can directly find the integration activities carried out by universities/Higher Educational Institutions. Moreover, with the Training Package, University students are provided with the skills to develop their potential civic role in promoting integration of refugees. And finally with the set of Guidelines addressed to Higher education staff (in progress) the integration of refugees will be improved by the planned and implemented strategies. |
Ioanna Tzotzi Greece |
The biggest strength of the together project is its ability to unite people from different countries, who all together can think about great ideas that can make the world a better place |
Lecturer Greece |
One of the most interesting and innovative aspects of the Together project is the use of mapping for students. Through the initiatives of the Together Project, not only does it provide a large amount of information deemed necessary for the integration of refugees in higher education, it also offers this information in an aggregated form, is easy to comprehend and to use |
Lecturer Greece |
Many issues it addresses (e.g. the difference between a migrant and a refugee) were not that clear to me before reading the guide, although I am a person that is willing to help. The project clarifies everything and makes it easier for me to apply them in the future. |
Michael Kavuklis Greece |
The Mapping Tool was an excellent tool to help us understand the dynamics of building a sustainable and diverse multicultural community among our targeted students. Being a digital tool that encompasses the needs of the students and promotes good practices. It should be a standard practice for all the universities in the country. |
Evangelos Voulvoutzis Greece |
The whole process was very interesting! More specifically the mapping of the actions taken and the institutions that contribute to this, is very easy to use and very useful! |
Anastasia Psallida Greece |
Both of them are useful , as the one offers a lot of interesting and enlightening information about the theoretical framework and legal framework for refugees, in order to understand the meaning and importance of their inclusiveness for the social inclusion. On the other hand, the second one offers a useful tool for learning the initiatives concerning the social inclusion of refugees in Higher Education, consisting a map for exchanging best practices, that are essential for achieving the goal of the programme. |
Martha Kotaidou Greece |
Training package for students through e-learning is the most helpful and efficient because it is easily accessible and transferable. TOGETHER is a very interesting, centralized project that gives the necessary information to anyone interested in the basic principles and procedures related to refugees. It would be very useful if this project was more widely known. Τhe information it offers may be of interest to many people who do not know that it is concentrated somewhere and who so far have lacked knowledge of an issue that should concern us much more intensely in practice. |
Eleni S Greece |
To me, usability and transferability are the most important aspects of the training. It is always good to learn through bibliography about subjects that interest you or you find promising, however if the training stayed there, it would be incomplete. What I found useful where the practical tips on how you can put what you learnt in use, through contacting university and engaging other students as well. It made me feel that what I learnt can be applied, and that it would be exciting to do so. Also, it was very useful that specific organisations were suggested, from which I will start my search towards practicing what I learnt. I found very useful that the situation in more than one country was explained. There are differences in how countries handle the same situations and maybe we can all learn from each other. So, that was what I found the most interesting. Thank you a lot. I am looking forward to applying everything I learnt. |
Iliana Greece |
All the sources and the hyperlinks regarding the refugee law system were very helpful in order to have a better understanding on the topic. In fact I saved some resources that could be useful for academic purposes or for further reading. Also, the presentation of several projects-initiatives like ESTIA, HELIOS etc. and practical activities like Body Language, Can I Come In? was food for thought and also could be implemented into teaching process. It’s very remarkable the fact that the TOGETHER project frames its content amid a multifaceted approach, such as the reference to the significance of Emotional intelligence and why it matters and how to teach it. Also, the sources and the references regarding the law framework were much understood, especially for educators like me who don’t have the relevant knowledge about law function. |
Lydia Papagiannopoulou Greece |
The training package is the most useful source for me, because I had the unique chance to expand my theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as develop my skills which will allow me to better interact with people of different cultural backgrounds. This training package manages to present in a very intuitive and interactive way information on the legal framework governing asylum and the concept of social inclusion, sharpening legal thinking. Also, it gives everyone the opportunity to discover new and innovative ways of integrating refugees into higher education, while raising awareness and motivating each individual to take action and contribute to the integration of refugees into university and student communities. Undoubtedly, the training pachage is a valuable tool, extremely useful for every person.One of the most interesting aspects of the project is that it addresses to both students and university staff, thus raising awareness in the academic community as a whole and promoting teamwork. In addition, the project provides creative and interactive tools, allowing everyone to receive a comprehensive and insightful information and fostering particularly interesting ideas for the integration of refugees both in the higher education environment and in society. Lastly, the multilingual nature of the project is noteworthy, as it responds to language needs and attracts many people from all over the world. |
Aya Greece |
University students usually have a lot more free time than working adults. Finding ways of enlisting them in the task of integrating the refugee population is a very positive approach. |
Maher Greece |
The idea of giving information for all parts of the EU is good. Many people don’t know how to find the help they need. |
Manar Greece |
The most interesting aspect is the attempt to provide a global and cross-border resource for refugees and those who are tasked with furthering their integration. Unfortunately, in my view, the program is burdened by over-complex terminology, abstruse language and unclear prescriptions. It could be useful to simplify the language and use more straightforward terminology. |
Dalal Greece |
Having a global view of the problems facing the refugees and migrants throughout the EU is an important strength. Many refugees would like to continue their education, and the EU needs more ways like this to help them integrate. |
No name Greece |
They give good plan to fill the gap between the refugees and the new community. |
Tania Greece |
It is important to keep updating the Map with new activities. Maybe it would be a good idea to inform IOM and NGOs about it because there are many refugees who search for this kind of information. |
Jinda Greece |
The map is a nice interactive initiative that can be really useful to refugees who arrive in Greece or other countries in the EU. The training package seems to be a dedicated academic work. However, refugees may not have all the skills and knowledge to understand all parts of the training package. |
Mazloum Greece |
The Map and the training package are two useful tools. Especially the Map is very helpful for refugees that come to Greece in order to learn what services they can have. It's a pitty that people without a smartphone and internet access will not be able to use them. |
Lecturer Greece |
As an educator I recognize the academic value and usability of the Training Package. It is a complete educational and training package focusing on university students. |
Student Italy |
We always talk too little about inclusion and when we talk about it's often in a very theoretical way. Here theory, practice and examples are well represented |
Lecturer Italy |
Because the students are the future, if we can change the way they think, we can change the world |
Student Italy |
Innovativeness. The training is very innovative that can help everyone included in the university to have a better understanding of refugees’ integration and prepares everyone facing better with intercultural competencies and an easier social inclusion in the academic environment. |
Lecturer Italy |
The E-learning packages are useful for me because I can enhance my knowledge of integration with the new environment as a refugee |
Lecturer Italy |
The most interesting aspects and strengths of the Together projects is the innovation of the social activities on inclusion |
Student Italy |
I believe the welcome map for the refugees is the well-designed. I think it is the most important part of the project. |
Lecturer Italy |
The most interesting aspect of the TOGETHER project is its target groups. Its inclusiveness is very interesting. |
Student Italy |
I think the TOGETHER project is interesting because it studies a situation and compares different realities. As such, it is a good and robust instrument to develop new policies. It may be useful to develop new networks as well. Good project that is worth the effort. |
Student Italy |
The most interesting aspect of the Project is the fact that it addresses both Higher Education students and staff with specific and targeted initiatives and materials, with the goal to create an informed and welcoming network for refugees and migrants and ultimately contribute to their effective social inclusion. The project tackles in an organized and through manner one of the most thorny issues of our time by skilfully using the universal leverage of human rights and education. |
Lecturer Italy |
The high degree of interaction between the people responsible of the project and its potential users. |
Student Italy |
TOGETHER project is based on a thorough research conducted on good practices of various European universities. This source has an adequate role to define reliable goals and to make useful, innovative, and transferable outputs of the project. I consider it an honor to have been invited to evaluate this elaborated TOGETHER project. Bearing all that in mind, I respectfully recommend supporting this project. |
Lecturer Italy |
In my opinion this project offers a valid path for institutions of higher education to put into practice inclusive education., In fact the project gives the appropriate scientific background together with practical tools. At the same time, being addressed to students themselves too, it allows them to become agents of change towards actual democracy and inclusion in the present societies. |
Student Italy |
I believe that the strength of the project is to give a concrete possibility of exchange between refugee, student and teacher; to compare different experiences and improve scientific knowledge through experiential exchanges, favoring a real improvement of one's own skills and specificity of study |
Lecturer Italy |
All these sources have showed great usability and they represent an added value. In my capacity of lecturer in the general domain of social sciences, as being myself engaged with academic international relations and initiatives in the field of freedom and humanitarian action, I would say that I have seen the guidelines for academic staff as a very clear and pragmatic instrument to socialize our HEIs to the practices of inclusion and academic integration of refugees and migrants. |