The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Latest News

The End

The End

All the partners are happy with the final prodcuts developed and will commit to keep the project alive by using the material in the courses while sharing the resutls with their network. It's been a great experience!

Multiplier Event in Portugal

Multiplier Event in Portugal

The Multiplier Event "Together: Ação pela Inclusão" was held at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Coimbra on 26 January 2022, from 9.30am to 1pm, in Coimbra, Portugal. The event focused on the presentation of the Together project and its results, as well as on the good practices carried out by different organisations that have been developing essential means and actions for inclusion. It was attended by 31 participants, including Higher Education staff, representatives of the third sector, policy makers in the field of Higher Education, lecturers, students, refugee, among others.

Publication of the Guidelines for Academic Staff

Publication of the Guidelines for Academic Staff

The Guidelines for Academic Staff have been finally published by the coordinator of the project, the Human Right Centre of Coimbra. 

Now all the users of the Together portal can access the section related to the Guidelines on the project portal and download them!

Conference “Together: caminhos de inclusão”

Conference “Together: caminhos de inclusão”

The Final Conference "Together: caminhos de inclusão" took place on January 19, 2022, in Coimbra, Portugal, from 9am to 1pm at the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra. It was attended by 54 participants, including administrative university staff, representatives of the third sector, policy makers in the field of higher education, students, public authorities in charge of refugees and other beneficiaries of international protection inclusion, as well as higher education professors, among others.

Multiplier Event in Greece

Multiplier Event in Greece

The Multiplier Event in Greece took place on the 7th of December 2021, at the University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki.

The Multiplier Event included a series of lectures, presentations, and interactive discussions that finally led to testing and evaluating the Intellectual Outputs of the TOGETHER Project.

Final partners' meeting

Final partners' meeting

The final meeting was held online on 06 December 2021. Catarina Gomes, Alessandra Viviani and Andrea Anzanello presented all the activities carried out so far and the missing ones which will be done in the final stage of the project. The partners had to discuss the finalisation of the Guidelines for Academic Staff, their publication and translation. This was the main topic of the Meeting. Moreover, Pixel presented an overview of the current budgetary situation.The partners review also the management activities, such as the Dissemination and the involvement of Associated Partners and committed to increase these numbers until the end of the project.

Multiplier Event in Italy

Multiplier Event in Italy

The meeting was held in a hybrid format. 133 participants were present during the event, some of them face to face some other participated online. 

The lecturers involved in the Multiplier Event were all staff members of the University of Naples. Their field of activities was mainly general education and sports-related teaching. 

As the first topic, the results of the project were presented to the participants. The specific objectives and the reached results were of the 3 Intellectual Outputs were highlighted to the participants to give them an idea of the project's objectives.

Secondly, the platform of the Together project was presented. Participants could see how to navigate through the sections and how to access the results of the project.

After presenting the objectives and results of the Together project, a discussion concerning the inclusion of refugees in the academic environment took place. Participants could discuss the main challenges of universities in the integration of refugees in Italy. Several stories and best practices were presented to the public. 

The main conclusions were that inclusion is a bilateral process, where locals and refugees are involved with the motivation to improve the way we live together

The tools presented during the event were appreciated by students and youth workers, teachers. Most of them were interested to visit the online map and using the guidelines and tools in their daily work.

Testing of the Intellectual Outputs with students and refugees

Testing of the Intellectual Outputs with students and refugees

The project partners have tested the Refugee Welcome Map and the Training Package with the involved university students and the refugees. 

This was an important moment for the Together project, as the material developed was actually used and checked by the main end-users of the project. 

The results will be utilized by the project partner for an internal evaluation of the project.

The Training Package goes online!

The Training Package goes online!

The final version of the Training Package was uploaded online on the Together project portal.

Partners can now start testing it with involved students and refugees to get comments and feedback from them. 

Fourth Partners Meeting

Fourth Partners Meeting

The online meeting was held on 28 - 29 June 2021. Catarina Gomes, Alessandra Viviani and Lorenzo Martellini presented the project and the activities carried out by the partners so far. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation and the next activity which are the uploading og the final version of the Training Package for Students online and the development of the Guidelines for Academic Staff.

Involvement of University Students

Involvement of University Students

The Higher Education Institutions partners in the project managed to involve in the Together project more than 200 universities students. This is a great result in view of the dissemination and sustainability of the project! 

Portuguese Focus Group

Portuguese Focus Group

The meeting was organised in different parts. The first part started with the welcoming remarks and the presentation of the participants. Then, it was provided important information regarding data confidentiality, followed by a brief overview of the mentioned project and an explanation regarding the purpose of the focus group. Subsequently, several different inclusion initiatives, from the Map, were presented. Lastly, the Map and its functionalities were introduced to the group.

Third partners meeting

Third partners meeting

The online meeting was held on 04 - 05 February 2021. Catarina Gomes, Alessandra Viviani and Lorenzo Martellini presented the project and the activities carried out by the partners so far. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation and the next activity which are the finalisation of the Training Package for Students and the development of the Guidelines for Academic Staff.


FInal Table of Contents of the Training Package for students

FInal Table of Contents of the Training Package for students

The partners of the project finalised and approved the official structure and table of contents of the Training Package for Students. From now on the parterns will work on the development of the contetns of the Training Package. 

Greek Focus Group

Greek Focus Group

The Greek focus group took place online due to the measures related to the spread of CVOD19. The aim of the focus group was to explore the views of refugees, students and staff (academic and administrative) on the functionality of the Refugees Welcome Map.


Italian Focus Group

Italian Focus Group

The Italian focus group took place on October 15th, 2020 as a validating process of the just concluded first output of the Together project. As at that date, there were several prescriptions to prevent the risks from the Covid-19, and the focus group was held both in presence and online. The registered participants were 108 in total. They all signed a consent form to record the event and use their data for the purposes of the project. 

Second Partners' Meeting

Second Partners' Meeting

The online meeting was held on 01 September 2020. Carla Gomes, Catarina Gomes, Alessandra Viviani and Lorenzo Martellini presented the project and the activities carried out by the partners so far. At the end of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation and the next activity which are the organization of 3 national focus groups where the initiatives identified in the Refugees Welcome Map will be discussed and the finalization of the templates of the Intellectual Output 2 – Training Package for Students.


Together YouTube Channel

Together YouTube Channel

The project partners created a YouTube channel of the Tigether project where they are uploading all the interviews they are recording. At the moment all the recoreded interviews are made through Skype,from October it iwll be possible to find face to face interviews with university students, migrant and university staff. 

Refugees Welcome Map

Refugees Welcome Map

The project partners are now uplaoding the initiatives for the intengration of migrants carried out by universities in differrent European countries. 

Internal Online Meeting

Internal Online Meeting

On the 15 April 2020 the project partners had an internal online meeting in order to discuss the issue coming from the COVID19 pandemic. The partenrship reviewed the calendar of activities traying to respect the original project schedule. 

Involvement of university students and refugees

Involvement of university students and refugees

Different university students and refugees are being contacted to join the project in order to work with the project partners in order to put into practice the project deliverables. 


Together project portal

Together project portal

The Together portal is now fully available online. The project deliverables will be freely accessible by end-users through the different section of the website. 

Kick-off Meeting

Kick-off Meeting

The Kick off meeting took place in Florence on 13-14 January 2020. Carla de Marcelino Gomes and Lorenzo Martellini persented the project and the activities to be carried out to the partners. The meeting was also an opportunity for the partners ot get to know each other and to discuss all the details related to the project's activities. At the of the meeting all the partners had a clear view of the future project's implementation, the financial rules and the activity the next activities which consists in the involvement of the target groups and the development of a Map describing the initiatives on integration of refugees carried out by universities. 



The TOGETHER project has been funded, by the European Commission through the Portuguese National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme, with the aim of creating social responsibility among university students and staff regarding the integration of refugees. The project will include, among the project results, a Refugees Welcome Map, a Training Package for university students, and guidelines for academic staff.