Let’s Work Together action group aims at supporting and helping integrating asylum seekers and refugees in Finnish society.
The School of Education in the University of Tampere and its partners organize common low-threshold activities for asylum seekers and refugees by the means of education. The aim is to provide meaningful activities to asylum seekers and refugees in Finland together with Finnish people.
The group collects together students and staff from the University of Tampere as well as adult and vocational education actors in the Pirkanmaa region interested in integrating asylum seekers and refugees. It invites people and organizations to participate in the planned activities and to generate new forms of activities.
Activities include courses, children's club activities, a Family Café, among others. Courses may be attended by
adult asylum seekers and refugees with suficient English skills and capabilities to study in academic level. These courses belong to the normal curriculum and study schedule of the University. The participants shall receive a Certificate of Completion for their attendance.