More than 65 million people have had to flee their homes or have become internally displaced, and many people have been forced to migrate for economic reasons, according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR, 2016). Given this serious situation, nine Malaga civil society organizations Accem, Spanish Commission for Refugee Aid (CEAR), Red Cross, Al-Quds Association of solidarity with the peoples of the Arab world, Amnesty International, Artenativa, Cooperation and development with the North Africa (CODENAF), Movement against Intolerance and Prodiversa: Progress and Diversity) and the University of Malaga (UMA) have jointly developed this Plan to support refugees. Therefore, the Plan focused on guaranteeing the right to higher education for applicants and beneficiaries of international protection. It will be aimed at this population, whether they are part of the student body, the teaching staff or administration and services personnel.
Among the training, awareness, research and cooperation activities linked to the Plan, places is included in the University Residence, courses in Spanish and the creation of the figure of the student-guide specifically for students.
1- Presentation of the audiovisual campaign UMArefugia on World Refugee Day, Lugar: Salón de actos Rectorado de la Universidad de MálagaFecha y hora: 18:00 h. del 20 de junio de 2019. On June 20, in commemoration of World Refugee Day, the audiovisual campaign UMARefugia is launched, aimed at raising awareness of the situation of migrants and applicants and beneficiaries of international protection, aimed at Malaga citizens. 30 advertising videos made by third-year students of the degree of Advertising and Public Relations of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Malaga will be screened.
2-Training Seminar: "The Fight for Justice in Palestine" INTERNATIONAL COURTS, UNIVERSAL JUSTICE AND HUMAN RIGHTS. Con la presencia del Director del Centro Palestino de Derechos Humanos, Raji Sourani, 16 mayo a las 17:30h. When all attempts at national courts failed, Raji Sourani began working lawsuits against high-ranking Israeli officials accused of war crimes and crimes against humanity internationally. In association with lawyers from European countries, Sourani has handled cases of universal jurisdiction in the United Kingdom and Spain, has actively worked with the United Nations and its various special rapporteurs, the European Union, the Quartet for the Middle East, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Criminal Court (ICC), representing the victims and offering their testimony on the atrocities of the occupation. Raji Sourani is director of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (PCHR) and a partner of the Al-Quds Association in Gaza.
3- Screening of the documentary "Welcome to Europe" Video Forum. Salón de Juntas del rectorado. 14 de mayo 18:30h.
4-How to report on the Middle East. Journalism, media and stereotypes. Facultad de Comunicación. Universidad de Málaga 9 de mayo de 17 a 20h
5- Conference: Art Culture and Human Rights in Conflict Zones: Syria. Conference: "Syria towards Universal Justice", in the Faculty of Education Sciences, classroom 1.12 with the participation of Anwar Al-Bunni, lawyer and Director of the Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research, and Pilar Rangel professor of Public International Law and International Relations of the University of Malaga.
6- INAUGURAL CONFERENCE ETS ARCHITECTURE COURSE 2018-19 ANNA HERINGER + ROUND TABLE: Center for Attention to Migrants. 29 de Octubre, 10h, Paraninfo d ela Universidad de Málaga.
7- Project Exhibition: CENTER FOR ATTENTION TO MIGRANTS IN THE PORT OF MALAGA.24 projects from the 2017/18 and 2018/2019 courses are exposed.
8- II Voluntary Training Course on Migration and Refuge - UMARefugia. Participating entities: Quorum Global, ASPA, Red Cross, CODENAF, Women in Conflict Zones, CEAR, AlQuds, Málaga Acoge, Accem, Welcome Refugees.
Days: October 15, 16, 17 and 18.
9-Presentation of the web documentary Existir es Resistir. En el Salón de Actos de El Rectorado, 21 de Junio a las 20h.
10-“A BET FOR AWARENESS-RAISING: AUDIOVISUAL CAMPAIGN #UMARefugia”. On June 20 at 6:00 pm in the Cultural Container, on the Teatinos Campus, the Audiovisual Campaign #UMARefugia, Plan to support refugees from the University of Malaga, will be presented.
11-UMARefugia: Plan to Support Refugees. In November 2015, the University of Malaga launched the Plan to Support Refugees (UMARefugia) focused on facilitating the stay, bureaucratic procedures and access to studies for migrants arriving in the province.