This project intends to qualify further individuals with foreign academic degrees in Business Administration and to refresh their specialist knowledge.
Academics with foreign degrees are often not employed at a level corresponding to their qualifications, or experience difficulties in entering the labour market at all. UP Transfer GmbH at the University of Potsdam is offering a practical qualification to address this issue. This university qualification will give the participants an opportunity to improve their current employment opportunities.
Course description
• Specialised training: Introduction to Business Administration, Introduction to Financial Accounting, Introduction to Cost and Performance Accounting, International Trade Relationships, Employment and Tax Law, Introduction to Health Economics, Marketing/Business Development, Controlling
• General career training: Preparation for the Application Process, Intercultural Communication, Microsoft Office, Project- and Conflictmanagement, Communication in work team
• Company internship: The internship phase is also intended to help the participant prepare to enter into a working relationship
• Certification awarded: Certificate
• Duration: the theoretical part in classes takes 5½ months, the intership is intended
for at least 1 month
Katrin Mischun (Project Manager)
E-Mail: katrin.mischun[at]