The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Refugees Initiative


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Tempus Public Foundation






Kéthly Anna tér 1 - 1077

Contact person:
Balazs Majtenyi


- Financial support for refugee students
- Housing for refugee students
- Intercultural competences activities for staff
- Language and other introductory courses for refugee students
- Recognition of studies and prior learning for refugee students
- Tutoring and peer support for refugee students
- University policies on access to higher education


- Newly arrived refugees


The core mission of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People is to provide the possibility of studying in Hungary for young Christian students living in the crisis regions of the world and/or being threatened in their country because of their faith. After completing their studies, the scholarship holders will return to help their home community with their gained knowledge, and they will participate in the reconstruction of war-destroyed countries and contribute to improvement of social situation and preservation of culture of Christian communities. The Scholarship for Christian Young People is a scholarship programme, founded by the Government of Hungary. The programme was brought to life by 120/2017 (VI.1.) Government Decree and modified by 227/2018 (XII.5.) Government Decree, and is managed by the minister leading the Prime Minister’s Office and organized by the Tempus Public Foundation. Degree programmes at bachelor level and one-tier master's programmes are available for all applicants, while master's and doctoral programmes are open to those applicants who have completed their bachelor/master studies in the frame of the Scholarship Programme for Christian Young People in Hungary, or are registered for the last semester of their studies in the 2019/2020 academic year as Scholarship for Christian Young People scholarship holders. The Programme is managed by the State Secretariat for the Aid of Persecuted Christians and Hungary Helps Programme and organized by the Tempus Public Foundation.

Preparatory Courses:
Besides full degree programmes, full-time non-degree programmes are also available within the programme in certain cases, for up to one year, Preparatory courses are non-degree programmes before starting a bachelor’s or master’s level degree programme at a Host Institution (both with the scholarship). In case of English language full degree study programmes in the field of Engineering Science, during the institutional entrance examination process, and based on the professional evaluation of the applicant, the host institutions have the right to make the decision to admit the applicant for a preparatory course (up to 1 year) before they can actually start their full degree programmes. The preparatory course is only available before bachelor and master level programmes in the field of Engineering Science. Applicants therefore cannot directly apply for preparatory courses taught in English language; it is always the host institutions’ decision whether a professional preparation year is necessary or not.


The number of Scholarship Holders at the Faculty of Social Sciences:
-3 students at the Doctoral School of Sociology, arrived in 2020, presently participating in the doctoral training programme;
-1 student at the Institute of Social Sciences, arrived in 2019, presently participating in the Cultural Anthropology MA programme.
Provisions covered by the scholarship are only a contribution to the living expenses of the scholarship holders. It means that the monthly stipend does not fully cover all the costs of living, and therefore, scholarship holders might need to add their own financial resources in order to cover all living expenses in Hungary. However, pursuant to the effective legal regulations, on the date of introducing these regulations (7 December 2016), pursuant to Section 20 (5) of Act II of 2007 on the Admission and Residence of Third Country Nationals, third-country citizens with residence permits for study purposes can pursue income earning activities in full time for no more than 24 hours a week during a term and for no more than ninety days or sixty six working days outside the terms. Based on the 2.2 Non-eligibility section of the Call for Application, persons granted a refugee status (“menekült”), persons enjoying temporary protection (“menekültes”), persons admitted for subsidiary protection (“oltalmazott”) and persons granted temporary protection (“befogadott”) are not eligible to apply for the present scholarship, and obtaining one of these refugee statuses terminates the scholarship status of the scholarship holder.