F.E.I. (Italian Esperanto Federation) is a no-profit cultural association founded in Florence on 1910 and set up as a Moral Institution with Decree of the President of the Italian Republic.
F.E.I. gathers and organizes those persons who want to contribute to spread, teach and use the international language Esperanto considering it a good way to facilitate interpersonal relations, solidarity and peaceful cohabitation.
F.E.I. strives against all discrimination, particularly the language one which is considered a disregard of the peoples’ cultural identity.
F.E.I. refers to the international language Esperanto as it is defined by the book "Fundamento de Esperanto" written by L. L. Zamenhof and by the decisions of the "Akademio de Esperanto" which is an organ of
U.E.A. (Universal Esperanto Association). Currently
U.E.A. is the largest international organization for Esperanto speakers and has members in 120 countries.
F.E.I. supports the defense of human rights and the full respect for the freedom and dignity of all the members in accordance with the principles of democracy and equality.
a) represents the Italian Esperantist movement in relations with international, national and local institutions, the public and the worldwide Esperanto movement;
b) promotes in all areas the knowledge of Esperanto, encouraging its use and applications, to provide a good solution to the international language problem;
c) in line with the ideals of Esperanto, organizes solidarity initiatives aimed at helping a deeper cultural integration between people and peoples with different languages;
d) organizes courses of the language and work together with
I.I.E. (Italian Institute of Esperanto) for effective teaching;
e) to perform the institutional goals, supports the publication of works, both in Italian and in Esperanto;
f) organizes and coordinates cultural and information events.
F.E.I. is an independent cultural organization, neutral towards political and religious ideologies.