The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Training Package for University Students

Module 5

Table of Content

List of Learning Objects and Practical Activities
A TASTE OF CULTURE - INTERCULTURAL SHARING OF GASTRONOMIC DISHES AND THEIR HISTORICAL CONTEXT The activity consists of a multicultural meal where each participant will contribute a single dish / gastronomic drink typical of their region / culture, explaining the recipe and its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself and for its culture
CULTURAL SOUNDS The activity consists of a meeting of a group of higher education students (refugees), each of whom will play a musical instrument or share a traditional music/song of their region/culture, explaining its origins or historical background and the relevance it has for itself/family and for its culture.
HUMAN-SIZED SPIDER WEB The activity consists of creating a human-sized spider web outdoor using a rope and two trees. The goal of this activity is to physically pass each team member through a human-sized spider web within the time limit.
LET'S WRITE OUR OWN STORY! The activity consists of a meeting of a group of young people (both locals and third country nationals) who will discuss together about possible difficulties and challenges that refugees have faced during the journey from their homeland to the host country.
MAKING LINKS The activity consists of drawing a "map" of the relationships between four "actors" within (an ideal) inclusive University. The aim is to map out relationships between the different "actors" and that when a demand is accepted one piece of wool should be taped between the two papers to signify acceptance of responsibility.
OPENING MY NETWORK FOR ONE HOUR The activity consists of a visit in each other community/group of reference, with the aim of getting to know each other and open each other networks. At the end of the visit, each participant will share in group pictures and perceptions about the visit.
BODY LANGUAGE The activity consists of enabling students to interact with other people in a more effective way becoming aware of the importance of non-verbal communication.
CAN I COME IN? The activity consists of developing knowledge and understanding about refugees and their rights while practising skills to present arguments, make judgements, promote solidarity with people who are suddenly forced to flee their homes.
EDUCATION FOR ALL The activity consists of a group interaction of people to help building up knowledge about education, memory skills, skills of critical analysis and a sense of human dignity and justice.
LANGUAGE BARRIER The activity consists of raising awareness about discrimination by border police and immigration authorities developing intercultural communication skills and fostering empathy with refugees and asylum seekers.
PACK YOUR BAG AND RUN The activity consists of developing knowledge and understanding about refugees and their rights, to promoting solidarity with people who are forced to suddenly flee their homes.
SPECIAL NEEDS The activity consists of helping students realize that everyone is different in their special way and hear that some of them might have the same problems. The activity also works in a classroom where there is a student with special needs. The whole group will be able to realize the differences and similarities between them.
TAKE A STEP FORWARD The activity consists of a game aimed at giving people time to reflect and build up a picture of themselves and their lives. At the end of the game, the group will debrief in plenary.
THE EDUCATIONAL PATHWAYS The activity consists of a discussion regarding the access of refugees into Higher Education. Each participant will be asked to think of five dates that are very important for their educational path and discuss about it with the group.
THE SOCIETAL LADDER The activity consists of an exercise aimed at discussing who is allowed positions of power and influence in society as well as how it is related to race, ethnicity and other forms of discrimination such as, sex, color, sexual orientation, disability and class.
THREE STEPS FOR MY INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE The activity consists of supporting participants in making a self-assessment of their competencies related to intercultural learning while raising awareness of the lifelong learning aspect of intercultural learning and encouraging participants to obtain ideas on how to further develop their intercultural competencies.
TOGETHER WE FACILITATE THE ACCESS OF REFUGEES TO HIGHER EDUCATION AND SOCIETY The activity consists of a short role play aimed at reflecting upon how attitudes can influence relations between people with different cultural backgrounds.
WHERE DO YOU STAND? (1) The activity consists of pointing out the two extreme positions (“I Agree” and “I Disagree”) regarding specific topics related to the headings, civil and political rights, and social and economic rights. The activity aims at understanding the differences between civil and political rights, and social and economic rights as well as fostering respect and open mindedness.
WHERE DO YOU STAND? (2) The activity consists of enabling participants to consider their own and others’ views about offering help to people in need.
CRITICAL REFLECTION The activity consists of coordinating participants (locals and third country nationals / refugees) to discuss the experience that they have just undergone by participating in the activity(ies).

Table of Content