The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The Together project (2019-1-PT01-KA203-060772) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This web site reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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Training Package for University Students

Module 4

Table of Content

Chapter 4.2. Building inclusive and integrated community network
4.2.4. What’s the role of the refugees?

While establishing an inclusive community network is mandatory to adopt a dialogical approach where refugees and local young people and students, together with other stakeholders, meet and associate in the construction of a common space for dialogue and interaction.
As reflected in the European level research developed in the framework of the Becoming a part of Europe project, “the emphasis of the work should be on dialogue, rather than in a top-down approach, that provides for rich, critical and transformative learning opportunities for everyone involved in the process. It is through dialogue that young people of all backgrounds are able to meet, discuss and associate. The approach provides possibilities to challenge stereotypes, to listen to, empathise and discover the ‘other’, to overcome fear, to contest, embrace and challenge differences and similarities between and within different communities.
Relationships are also recognized as an important resource, not only in developing civic and community involvement, but also in overcoming the barriers faced by young migrants, refugees and asylum seekers (YMRA). Relationships serve as the bridge, and through their social interactions with other young people, educational institutions, service providers and beyond, YMRA are positioned to develop their own social capital, thereby positively impacting employability, poverty alleviation and community relations”.
In this way, refugees are one of the significant knots in the community network development, bringing their resources and addressing the challenges they aim at, in a dialogical process with all other actors. Other stakeholders and individuals can play the role of allies that support refugees in entering this dialogical process, empowering them to raise their voice on issues that affect their lives.
Higher Education Institutions and native students can play an active role in supporting refugees’ inclusion in the hosting communities, helping them in establishing significant relationships in the inner academic community and outside with other stakeholders (individuals, groups or people or institutions, companies, third sector’s organisations). These ties will result in strengthening refugees’ participation in hosting societies and in the development of their sense of belonging. On the other hand, they will allow hosting societies and related stakeholders to develop, together with refugees, a dialogical system where everyone is recognised and valued.
Are you ready to take action?
If you are a local student and you would like to make your University more inclusive, you may start with the following actions:
- Verify existing activities leading to inclusion and integration of refugee students.
- Get in contact with students’ associations.
- Ask refugee students about their interests and their needs.
- Design together possible inclusive actions within and beyond HEI’s community.

Table of Content